My Most Recent QSO's

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bermuda VP9/W6

I had no idea what was happening on the bands this evening. I've been out and about doing different things today. Late this evening I was surprised when I heard this station (VP9/W6) in Bermuda. He was participating in a contest and I was luck enough to work him with 10 watts. A very strong Slovenia station was on the band (S51YI) along with a station in Brazil (PR2B) but couldn't work them. This station in Bermuda is my 47th DX contact I've made with my QRP station and a simple wire antenna.

I'll feel a sense of accomplishment with I hit # 50. 

1 comment:

PE4BAS, Bas said...

Congratulations, although the DX is not super long distance for you it is not really crowded with HAMs over there.
With he increasing sunspots it will be not long till you hit nr. 50. 73, Bas