My Most Recent QSO's

Sunday, July 3, 2011

IK2HDF Italy

I worked three stations yesterday but can only confirm this one (IK2HDF) from Italy.

There were several "special event stations" on the air. I've looked everywhere for K4F in Tennessee but can't find it anywhere on the web. The other confusing station is DL4IAC, which should be in Germany. Perhaps it's DL3IAC but will have to wait on an e-mail with the hopes that I missed a critical "dot".

There's some strong Mexican stations on the air today but they're running 1500 watts into a beam. I don't feel that bad not being able to work them with QRP power.


Bert, PA1B said...

Hello John, I have some very low power QSO's in the log, of which I think that the call is not correct. But you will not know the call, until you receive a QSL or an eQSL.
You are right sometimes it's only a dot, but lately I made 2 letters of the letter X.

1500 watt It is a fine experience, to work him with the lowest possible power. Start low and double the power in each step.
I have received QSL's from 1 kW stations for QSO's with 50 mW. LOL. Please do don't think.
Good luck, 72, 73, Bert

Jspiker said...

Hello Bert,

That's funny...I know exactly what you're saying there. Hihi

The old saying of "using the lowest power possible to communicate" seems to be forgotten now.