My Most Recent QSO's

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Simsbury Conneticut QSO

There was a LOT of noise on the band this morning. Useless to attempt the Navy Radio Club net on 7245 Mhz under these conditions. I threw out my call on the FISTS frequency (7058) with no luck. Checked the 7040 freq for QRP stations and was about to give up and tried the SKCC freq (7055).

I heard a very weak station and tried the contact. (not expecting a return)

Jack, (K1ARO) near Hartford Conneticut (Simsbury CT) was also using a "straight key" and we exchanged the basics of "rig and antenna". We wished each a "Happy Holiday" and called it quits.

Jack is a member (#1580) of the FISTS CW Club.

Hartford is known as one of the largest Insurance Company Capitols in America and home (from 1835-1910) of the famous author Samuel Clemens. (known as Mark Twain)

I've always enjoyed "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and have chuckled at Mark Twains Quotes for years. One of my favorites is:

"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first" - Mark Twain

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