My Most Recent QSO's

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Michigan Automobile Contact

As I've written before, I often take a look at the cities where the stations I've worked live, work, or retire. For me, this is another "fun" part of the radio hobby. This mornings contact with W8RP in Ypsilanti, Michigan led me to this interesting car.

Ypsilanti Michigan is the place where the Tucker automobile was designed.

I was born in year 1948 when the car was first produced. If you don't know about the 1948 TUCKER , take a few minutes and look at this machine. It had three headlights. The center "headlight" actually moved in the direction the steering wheel to help night driver vision. The engine was in the "rear" and there's an interesting "radio" in the dash. Look for it when you view the above link.

All my contacts today were on 40 meters.

Another interesting contact was NT8P in Ohio. Ron was also QRP @ 5 watts and using a dipole. He's also a  member of the North American QRP Club. It's my favorite club because everyone uses CW and is also QRP.

Ron has some interesting information on his QRZ bio.

I still get an enormous "kick" out of working another QRP operator, whether they be 100 miles or 1000 miles from me.  The "brass key" on his desk looks very much like mine. If so, it's a Brunnell key made in Long Island NY and a little over 100 years old.


VE9KK said...

Good morning John, I too like to look up the contacts on QRZ as well. I even do this when I am contesting as well. I am never going to come close to wining so I take the time to look most calls up.

Unknown said...

Your blog is so nice. I find id it very interesting.

Jspiker said...

Thanks David,

One of things I like about Ham radio is the ability to meet new and interesting people; from different parts of the world. I commonly look at the cities where I've made contacts.

Learning should be a lifetime activity.

Thanks for dropping by the blog and I hope you will continue to do so in the future.