My Most Recent QSO's

Friday, May 17, 2013

Special Event Station in France TM35KOP

This daily DX catch marks my 116th for the year.

This French Special Events Station (TM35KOP) was an "easy" catch just after 0000 hours GMT. 

They're celebrating 35 years of activity! 

I've thought several times, since the beginning of the year, that I would "give up" my string of DX contacts and return to the air "only when I felt like it"; but I just can't ignore the temptation to add "just one more day" to my list of daily long distance radio contacts.

There's been a few "gaps" in this string. Once when I traveled to New York, and another when I traveled to the Outer Banks of North Carolina; but every day I've been at home, since the beginning of the year, I've been able to work at least one DX station. There have been days when I worked a variety of stations; and it's been much easier than I would have ever thought imaginable.

Yesterday I worked 9 different stations:

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