My Most Recent QSO's

Sunday, June 12, 2011


There was a horrendous storm brewing in the valley, but I wasn't overly concerned since my antenna is mounted on a painters pole, which is bungee corded to a bed post, in a spare room. (my station is VERY simple) Hihi  The chances of me being struck by lightening in this situation isn't very likely. Maybe that's why I wasn't hearing a lot of stations on the air?

For that reason, I was very surprised to hear Bert (F6HKA) calling CQ WES from France.

I've previously worked Bert twice. (both with 5 watts) but today (I'm happy to say)  the rig was set at 4 watts! Bert (F6HKA) is my 9th "1000 mile per watt" contact since his distance is 4,086 miles!

The difference in signal strength? My previous two contacts brought me 559 reports. Today Bert sent me 549! That's one "S" unit difference.... but what a thrill it is for my 90 DX contact!

We exchanged SKCC Numbers. He is # 6069 T

Just 10 more DX contacts until that magic #100 (which I've been looking  for about 2 years now) .


Bert, PA1B said...

Hello John,
You accomplished a great challenge.
Working DX, with more than 1000 Miles per Watt on an indoor antenne. Congrats on this Excellent Achievement.
73, Bert

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

Well done John! I did not hear F6HKA this time around. Was probably out on my bike and missed him.

At the current rate you will be to your 100 goal soon.
gl om 73, Mike kd8jhj

Jspiker said...

Hello Bert,

A few years ago, if anyone would suggested the possibility of "DXCC QRP" with an 18" indoor Isotron antenna, I would have thought they were out of their mind.

Now, every time I hear a 599+ signal on the band, I drop to 50 mw....just because I can. It's fun!!

My best (out of nine 1000 MPW contacts) is still Puerto Rico with 1/2 a watt. As I'm sure you know, it's wasteful to run more than QRP power, and if it can be done with QRPp.....

It's taken me a long time to start working my DX stations at the 4 watt level but I find the greater the challenge, the greater the satisfaction.

Who'd a thought?

Thanks for the encouragement!

Jspiker said...

Hello Mike,

The bands been pretty bad the last few days and I was fortunate to catch him. The thunderstorms were actually and advantage for me this time. Hihi