There were many European stations working the United States and I was fortunate to quickly work 4O3A in Montenegro. (I was unsure he copied my call sign correctly so I sent him a follow up e-mail). A few minutes later, I worked DR1A in Germany and received his signal report along with my log number. I then worked several Canadian stations, and then several US stations, and before turning in, I was able to work OL4A in the Czech Republic. (I was also hearing OK4U but couldn't work him)
I'm still shaking my head and wondering if these were real stations or my imagination. I've worked these three countries before on 20 meters, but never on 40 meters. This was a RARE opening on this band.
Other stations heard on 40 meters (but unable to work) were CQ8A in Portugal, GM3WOJ in Scotland, EA5BY in Spain, ON4UN in Belgium and TM77M in France.
Just when you think you've heard it all....something like this happens. I could understand all this on 20 meters (or higher), but 40 meters?? .........I'm still having trouble believing all these guys were on 40 meters.
The three new contacts I made on 40 meters had no idea I was running 10 watts power and using a simple wire antenna. They were knocking out so many contacts, so quickly, I didn't have time to tell them.