Those of us who live in "challenging" radio locations are often amazed at the contacts we occasionally make on the bands. Although this contact is less than 2,000 miles, (actually 1,736 miles) Jim (KK7YJ) in Missoula Montana, was a fine catch. Both our signals were weak but we were able to exchange SKCC numbers.
What's so unusual about this contact?
Jim is also faced with "antenna restrictions" in his community. He loaded up the "gutters" on his home and made this contact with me here in West Virginia. Like me, the neighbors don't even know we run a Ham radio station at our homes.
I prize this catch as much as a long distance DX contact.
Nice contact under amazing conditions! Terrific!
73 Adam
Great contact under amazing conditions. Terrific!
73 Adam
Perhaps someone should create an award for stealth-to-stealth radio contacts! Wouldn't get far on my rain gutters, though, they're plastic. Haven't seen metal guttering for decades.
I've worked Jim a couple times. I was blown away when he told me of his antenna system. He even sent a picture of the remote tuner at the base of the downspout housed in a tupperware container. Pretty Cool!
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