I continue to make contacts at about the same distances on 20 meters this month. Most are weak signals but workable. I'm still amazed at the times I've heard KE7PZX (and also worked him) in the state of Washington. If there's any propagation at all, I seem to catch him on the 20 meter band. One of the other 'nicer' contacts (and at a much shorter distance) was a fellow transmitting from his motor home from Loxley Alabama. Seems his home in Texas is just a mail box and he's on the road full time.
I've also worked a few QRP stations this month. N5GW was in Vicksburg, Mississippi (20 meters) and on 40 meters (WB8AIZ). I also found KY4O in Nashville Tennessee using a QRP rig. I also found W2IFB QRP in Newfield NY.
Although no DX this month, I still continue to have fun on the bands and find it fulfilling to continue the hobby. The distance isn't important to me, it's still the music of a good fist that attracts me.
Just to mention a few; I've worked these stations this month.
N5GLU in Denton Texas
KE7PZX in Chelan Washington (3 times)
N5GW QRP in Vicksburg Mississippi
VA3AH in La Salle, Ontario Canada
WB8AIZ QRP in Mount Clemmons Michigan
KK4RF (nice call) in Suffolk, Virginia
KY4O QRP in Nashville Tennessee
WG3D in Willmington Delaware
W5VYN in Whitesboro Texas
KE7XU in American Fork Utah
WC7C in Ephrata, Washington
This morning, the weather turned really bad here in West Virginia. It forced me to spend more time than usual on the air. I worked another station in Florida. WB4VMH had an exceptional signal. My favorite today was working an old friend here in West Virginia. I've worked KC8MFF many times, and we always enjoy talking about his old stomping grounds here on the west side of Charleston.
I think the upcoming cold weather is going to force me indoors the rest of the month. It should be good time for radio.
I have been excited that 10 meters has been showing activity up here. Since it's cold and dark outside, it's the perfect time to play radio. I have my QRP rig hooked up and looking forward to doing a bit of QRP over the next few weeks. Maybe we can try a QSO? Happy Holidays! - Phil
Nice contacts John. Pretty much the same sort of thing for me from my NYS home QTH. Hey, five watts and a modest antenna.
Looks like nice weather in WV...the day of the photo, anyway.
73 Dick
Hey nice update John. I enjoy amateur radio all year but it just seems extra fun this time of year. WX is frigid here in Ohio.
73 Mike KD8JHJ
Hello Phil...I need Alaska but have never been able to work it. I'm hanging around 20 meters on either 14.060 or 14.058 mostly. The early afternoon is the best for me here in WV. About 2-4 pm EST.
Hi Dick...tks for the report. The picture was actually taken in London a few months ago. Sure wish I was there now. Really loved the place.
Hi Mike...WX is terrible this morning. It was 14 degrees when I arose. I'm riding the bike when the temp rises just above freezing. I can dress for it and am comfortable. Hihi-- Get lots of comments while riding downtown near the Farmers Market. I think it's amusing....No reason to stay indoors all the time.
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