My Most Recent QSO's

Thursday, November 15, 2012

St Kitts and Nevis Islands

I'm always happy when I work another new DX entity (#60). This evening I worked V44KAO,  in the Leeward Islands. A mere 1, 840 miles from here; but still an island I've not work before, and a  NEW entry in the log book.  The Caribbean Islands and South American areas are still good hunting grounds for me with several other possibilities for new contacts. I hope to work several more this winter. I worked this station on the 30 meter band.

I love the new Vibroplex Iambic Key as it's quite easy to send above 20 wpm. I dream of those warm islands as the winter months move toward us. It would be nice to stroll along the warm sandy beaches in this area?


Dick said...

Nice DX, John. I've always been interested in Central and South American contacts every since my days as a Tropical Band SWL.

Paul Stam PAØK said...

Hi John, that's a nice one. I worked also St Kitts and Nevis Islands with CW. Also for the first time. 73 Paul

VE9KK said...

Ahhh yes the warm weather........very nice contact and it's a bonus when it's a new DXCC for sure. I have not been on the radio for a few days now but I am guessing the conditions are starting to improve?

Jspiker said...

Hello Dick,

Me too. The weather can be just horrible in the Caribbean area but the Rum is great!

Jspiker said...

Hello Paul,

Congratulations! You're a lot more distant than me here in the US. I'm looking forward to working a few more down there this winter.

Jspiker said...

Hello Mike,

Sure could use some of that sunshine and warm weather right now. It's beginning to cool off very fast now. The fall colors are about gone now and things are getting gray looking.