My Most Recent QSO's

Monday, December 10, 2012

Paraguay South America

I finally found a few moments of free time yesterday evening and found ZP6CW in Caacupe, Paraguay on the 17 meter band. At a distance of 4,678 miles, I thought it was a good catch, especially since it was a new DX entity for me. (#61)

South America is one area where I have the opportunity for new contacts. I find my operating mode is revolving around DX clusters. I've printed out the ARRL DX entity list and immediately scan them for new countries. Radio is a lot like fishing to me. You never know what you're going to catch until you throw your line in the water. I was happy with this catch....


Dick said...

Nice catch, John. I don't imagine there are many amateurs in Paraguay. Hope to get it myself one day.

Paul Stam PAØK said...

Hi John, well done, ZP is still a blank spot in my log... 73 Paul

Jspiker said...

Thanks guys,

Only 39 more for the big prize. Hihi