My Most Recent QSO's

Saturday, December 5, 2015

One Thousand Consecutive DX Contacts !

Our club member John Shannon (K3WWP) and former NAQCC Vice President reached a milestone on November 25th, 2015.

Many of us have been following retired NAQCC VP John, K3WWP’s, amazing and inspirational QRP QSO streaks. John is currently in his 22nd year of making at least one QRP CW QSO per day using simple wire antennas.

That’s right, not a single day missed in over 21 years

Absolutely amazing!

On November 25th he reached a significant milestone on his DX sub-streak - 1000 consecutive days making at least 1 QRP CW DX QSO using simple wire antennas!

You can read all about this great accomplishment in the Member Submissions section of the NAQCC December newsletter.

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