My Most Recent QSO's

Monday, February 13, 2017

My 31st DX Contact in Slovenia

I worked Slovenia for the 31st time this evening. I've worked the specific station S57V four different times. The bands are in terrible shape. 

The Solar Flux Index is 75. The A Index is 4. The K Index is 2.

The last dozen DX stations I've worked have been in the Caribbean.  (with the exception of one in the Netherlands).

Slovenia is due East at 4,679 miles in a straight line. I love the surprise of something unexpected appearing in the log book. I've always said radio is a lot like fishing. You never know what you're going to catch until you throw the line in the water.

1 comment:

Paul Stam PAØK said...

Hi John, it's hard these days to get some DX. With JT9 I can work stations outside Europe, but with CW is difficult. Slovenia is a nice catch. 73 Paul PC4T