My Most Recent QSO's

Friday, March 3, 2017

My 114th DX Station

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I worked this station on 20 meters this afternoon. Just when I think I've worked all the DX I can, another one surprises me. 


PE4BAS, Bas said...

Congrats John, a well known station on HF. Have worked him couple of times. But though I am nearby. Can't compare it to your setup. Respect! 73, Bas

Jspiker said...

I wonder myself. Hi Hi - I'm light years behind most locations. Despite the 11 story apartment building next door, restricted antennas (which forces me to operate using indoor antennas) - I have a LOT of fun working DX.

Paul Stam PAØK said...

Hi John, Andorra is always a nice station to work. Very small state in the Pyrenees. Congrats! 73 Paul PC4T

ve3vvfqrp said...

That's cool, John. I sheepishly admit I had never heard of Andorra. I guess that why hams like maps and geography because we're always learning something new. Cheers es 72 - Scott

Jspiker said...

Hello Paul - Hope you and the family are doing well.
Hello Scott - I've found most hams much better informed about geography. We have a natural curiosity about maps. Thanks to you both for reading my blog.