Last night I had an interesting QSO (7043 MHz) with a ham (N3TTC) near Harrisburg, PA. Al was using an Icom rig and a simple antenna. We discussed the approaching snow storm here on the east coast. It's supposed to be significant with about a foot dropping out of the sky in West Virginia.
Last night tho....the sky was crystal clear and Al was hoping to set up his telescope and look at Jupiter and it's moons. That "big red spot" (a violent storm in that giant ball of gas in the sky) is interesting to watch as it revolves across the face of the planet. It also made me think of it's four moons that can be seen with a pair of 10 power binoculars.
Looking at Jupiter with a pair of 10 power binoculars doesn't give you an image like the one above but you can see the "bands", the red spot, and four of it's moons most of the time. Every evening the show looks different. One night you might see all 4 moons on one side of Jupiter, the next night there might be two on each side, or maybe three on one and one on the other the next night.
With all the snow predicted tonight, there won't be any sightings at all. It raining now and the temperature is dropping quickly. Living here in the valley, I really don't expect to see more than a few inches of snow. It will be interesting to see what it looks like tomorrow morning.
I read it is coming. Do your required shopping early, gas up the car. Be prepared for power outages. Blankets candles, etc.
Good luck.
Hi John, it's time for hibernation. Winter is on it's way. We have snow here, 20 cm now. And it's freezing minus 7 at the moment. But Monday the temperature will goes up and we'll have no white Christmas here. Have a nice weekend, 73 Paul
Hello John,
Jupiter must indeed be a fascinating sight with those 4 moons and that big red spot. I remember the first time I saw Saturn through the telescope of the landlord's son and it was quite a moving experience.
It must be strange having multiple moons in the sky.
Sounded like an interesting QSO with Al. Hope the snow is not a major problem in your neck of the woods.
Bye for now, 73 Adam
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