My Most Recent QSO's

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

SWL Reception Report from LYR1289

I've been a ham a little over 20 years now and this is the "first" time I've received a "reception report" from a short wave listener. I quickly confirmed the contact because the time, date, and contact information is correct. I'm always happy to encourage anyone to delve into the ham radio aspect of the hobby. This brings back good memories of my childhood when I spent many hours listening to the short wave bands with my little "Knight Kit Star Roamer" receiver.

I wonder if there's a database that lists these call signs? Three letters and four numerals are certainly different from what I used to seeing.

This card came from Lithuania and I know I was getting into this part of the world at the time. Last night I worked a very familiar LY5O. During my later night contacts, I worked OK1PL in the Czech Republic.

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