My Most Recent QSO's

Sunday, February 15, 2015

N3AQC Special Event Results from the Huntington Radio Museum

My thanks go out to the Huntington Museum of Radio and Technology  and all the fine folks in that organization; along with the Tri State Radio Association.

I worked stations in Belarus, Russia, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Canada, and Africa along with 12 Club members from the United States. I had a lot of fun in the brief time I had at the Museum of Radio and Technology in Huntington West Virginia. My little Icom 703 running 5 watts of power functioned perfectly. I also used my favorite Vibroplex square racer for this event. I love the magnetic controlled tension of this key.

I've created the above card for the Special Event Station and uploaded it to the electronic QSL site on the web. (e-QSL) For those without the free account, I've sent an e-mail with the attached copy and the details of the contact.  I've entered all my contacts on my web log. Now I'm waiting on the return cards.

This was a fun event and I look forward to making this an annual event for the West Virginia Chapter of the NAQCC  club. There's some of the finest radio equipment in the world at this museum, If you're interested in any kind of electronics, this is a "must see" building.


Bert, PA1B said...

Hello John, you made a very nice eQSL card. Must be great fun to work with such a fine special event station. FB. 73, Bert

Jspiker said...

Hello Bert,

Yes it was. This is a great operating place. A fun way to spend a day.