I'm bouncing off the ceiling right now after exchanging SKCC numbers with I0QM in Rome, Italy. Bob was sending CQ SKCC QRZ on 7065 MHz @ 0306z tonight. I listened as he worked a few other station here on the east coast over a course of about 20 minutes. I kept sending my prefix between exchanges and was very careful not to interfere with the QSO's with the hopes he was hearing me and guess what.....it worked.
It was difficult because I'm only running a max 10 watts but he sent N8 a few times and something like N8BN .....etc and IMI and QRM. I thought he had given up or (maybe) I didn't have enough power for the contact but he finally sent PSE QSY DN and a series of dots.................as he shifted down the band to 7062.4.
What a clever idea......
I've worked several stations in Italy on 20 meters but this was my first DX on 40 meters. He returned my name and sent me a 449 but asked for my number again. (I was so excited I forgot to send it). I copied everything and returned a 339 but his signal, at the end, peaked to an easy 559.
I can't explain my feelings now but to say I'm excited is an understatement.
Bob (I0QM) is SKCC member # 4954C and also NAQCC member #3196.
The above card is from QRZ. com but I will confirm with E-QSL.
Hello John, that's a nice achievement. Great! The QSY method is a good hint. Have a nice Sunday. 73 Paul
Hi John, congrats with the DX on 40. A really nice way to QSY without transmitting the QSY freq. 73, Bas
Rcvd the E-QSL this morning. It's very "simple" so I won't display it on the web page but am glad to have it.
Fantastic DX: transatlantic on 40M! Very well done. That is a nice Christmas present. I can almost feel your excitement here in England! And great to have the eQSL so quickly.
Imagine if you were a QRO station how routine this QSO would be. And how exciting it is being a QRPer.
My year following the blogs of all you QRP guys has been a real inspiration to me.
Thanks and 73 Adam
Sweet! Congrats on a good snag! I also heard I0QM this afternoon on 40m here in Florida. Didn't get quite as fortunate however, but sure was thrilled to hear Italy on 40m in the daytime! Guess the sunspots might be kicking in for us. Nice blog here. Hope to catch you on the air sometime soon.
Kelly K4UPG
Thanks all...yes, the thing SO special is working him with 10 watts on 40 meters and getting a "great signal report". (Got an e-mail from him today)
When I got into the hobby, there were many people that discouraged me when I mentioned my interest in QRP radio. Most of them had never used it and therefore could not speak from experience. There's still a popular mind set that doesn't believe a person can make contacts with 5 watts and a simple antenna.
Since I've retired, just a few years ago, I've worked more than 500 stations in almost all 50 states (on 40 meters) and 30 DX countries. And at a "solar flux" mostly in the mid 60's and 70's.
Adam...you're especially right about the thrill of making contacts like this. Perhaps it's an everyday occurance with 100 watts, and a beam, but not NEAR the challenge and the satisfaction I get by using QRP power and a simple antenna. (sure wished I would have been at 5 watts but confident I could still have worked him)
Keep trying Kelly...I was really lucky to catch him "way out there in open space" (7062 is not where you normally look for DX)
BTW/ what freq?
He was having trouble hearing me also (due to electrical interference) but that trick with the series of "dots" is very clever.
I'm going to remember that one for awhile and use it myself. Who know's...maybe I'll be lucky and work Paul, Dick, Adam, Bass and Julian soon?
Nice going John. Just when we QRPers get a bit frustrated, a nice contact is made. Makes radio communication all the more satisfying.
Good luck and QRP DX in 2010.
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