Several years ago, a major "shopping complex" was built in South Charleston and this park is the result of all those business taxes. It's quite a mecca for softball and soccer fans here in the valley. There's also some really nice hiking trails here in Trace Fork Canyon. Hiking in the canyon along this stream is very quiet. Something you would not think being this close to town.
I was a little disappointed in the band today but still made two nice contacts at about 600 miles.
The first was another QRP station in Sandersville, Mississippi who was also using an Icom 703 @ 5 watts. K5RZK is also a fellow NAQCC member. But I was operating in the early afternoon so didn't expect to hear much. Most local people are still at work now.
I seem to be on a run with NAQCC QRP operators on 30 meters.
The other station was N2DCP near Ocala Florida. He surprised me with his QTH and the #2 call. We have relatives in this area of Florida.
I've started taking a few pictures on my portable operations. (today was the first with me in the view). I took it by setting the timer in a little camera and attaching it to a roll of string that I use to hang the antenna.
I've started sending them as QSL cards with a "personal note" and have got nice comments from them. I'm sending them as attachments to e-mails. Sort of like the cards I use on E-QSL.
I'll post a copy of a few of them on the next entry.
Hello John, the weather is fine for portable operation in the field. Temperatures up to 20 C and sunny, so good to be outside. Have a good weekend, 73 Paul
Thanks Paul....yes, I've always been an outdoor person and one of the main reasons for my QRP interests. I'd go nuts sitting inside a stuffy room all the time.
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