As I noted in my previous entry, I've started sending QSL cards that are "specially designed" for my "portable contacts" and I've received nice comments from those I've sent while operating on 30 meters while out in the field.
They're pretty simple, and in this digital age, easily created by using a simple picture and then "editing" it with the "paint program" included in all Microsoft software. It's a simple matter of adding text with the proper font, size and colors.
This isn't a new idea.
I received a "nice" card from K2RFP in Long Island NY just a few days ago that I thought was "unique". In addition, he created a re-usable SASE "return envelope" for one of my cards. You can download the free application from his site. I still enjoy receiving "paper cards" but think they're unnecessary because of postage fees. (especially those DX contacts)
But I think this is a nice way to show my contacts the exact location where I transmit and it seems to go over well. It's a nice memory for both of us. I don't mind the extra work it takes to make up one of these cards since I'm not into "short 30 second contacts". I usually chat for awhile....
Many of these people also have accounts with E-QSL (and I send them a confirmation from that site also). My "E-QSL" card is a generic kind of thing that shows me sitting on the front porch of a cabin with my guitar. I always respond to those requests.
I take the extra step to make sure they have a current e-mail account and send them along as an attachment to the e-mail so they can either "save it" or (if they choose to use it as "wallpaper") print it out on their home computer.
I always enjoy a more "personal" card from my contacts. I think those that receive these cards feel the same way.
In the future, those with a current e-mail account, can expect to have one of these cards sent to them as confirmation for the contact.
Nice idea, John. I don't think eQSL allows you to have separate accounts for portable, mobile and home station, so that's a nice alternative for electronic QSLing.
hese are lovely cards, John. I would love to receive something along these lines from any station I had had a QSO with. It is a fantastic idea and has re-inspired me to look into printing off a more individualized card. Like you I do not regularly use postal paper cards, preferring instead eQSL, but from time to time a paper QSL seems appropriate.
What software do you use to design them? Is it simply a case of loading a photo into paint? And also, if you don't mind me asking, do you print on paper or thin card?
I have not experimented with card on my printer but feel I want to have a bash now!
73 and thanks for the inspiring post. Adam (M6RDP)
I think it's worth the extra work and I enjoy doing it. My most cherished "cards" have been the "photos" with the Call signs in big letters.
It makes a good memory for both operators, especially when the other guy is QRP.
Hello Adam,
Absolutely....make a copy of the photograph. (to preserve the original) and open it in the "paint program". Click the "text" button and position it on the photograph and enter your information.
Choose the color, font, and size and move it anywhere you choose. If you make a mistake, click "undo" and try again until you get it like you want it. Repeat the process as many times as you wish to place information in other parts of the photo.
I bet those "ships" or "Bradley" would make excellent could even use pictures you take in your town.
I attach the finished product to an e-mail along with a suggestion that they "save" it on their computer.
They can then "print it" on nice card stock or photo paper if they choose.
It's up to them....
I prefer to save them on a thumb drive in case there's a computer crash.
Thanks John for the detailed info. I will experiement also with printing them after playing around with "paint". I would only do the odd one here or there and as you say they are a great memento of the contact for someone you have had a nice friendly QSO with.
I wouldn't waste them on the "59 QRZ" types though!
73 Adam
I agree...100%. My enthusiasm for the QRZ 59 contacts is rapidly diminishing.
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