I worked Alberto (WP4L) in Puerto Rico, just last week, but was using my normal 5 watts of power. I heard him calling this afternoon and he was sounding really good. So good, in fact, that I had his approximate distance in my head and decided to reduce my power to 1 watt before attempting to answer his CQ SKCC.
Alberto is 1,655.6 miles from me.
To my surprise, he answered my call immediately. I copied all his info (it's a lot easier when you've heard it before) and he added his SKCC# 7568 at the end of the exchange. My signal was 559 and his was the same.
I thanked him for the info and returned with my basic 559-WV-John and SKCC # 4525. Not that he wasn't able to hear me, but someone stepped right on top of me. I could tell he was furious. He quickly informed the offending station of the transgression, and asked for my name and SKCC number again.
It was an immediate QSL this time, and a long TU for the QSO and new SKCC number.
This is the second, time in the last few days, that I've been able to reduce power to the 1,000 mile per watt level and make a DX contact.
I got'a admit......I really like this!