My Most Recent QSO's

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Southern Ukraine at 5000 + Miles (UR5ZVP)

I've been near New York City for several days now and it's rained cats and dogs most of the time. The Internet has also been down and I've been suffering withdrawal symptoms from the information highway.

My first chore when arriving in NY was to stretch my end fed Zepp in the attic and get on the air.

It's amazing to hear the European stations on the bands here. Just a little more Northern latitude and being on the Hudson River makes a BIG difference from the valley location in West Virginia.

There was quite a "pile up" on 14.240, on the 31st, but after several attempts, I was able to work UR5ZVP in the Southern Ukraine. It was a difficult contact, and I had to repeat my call several times, but I'm now in his log book. You can see the entry from his online logbook (page 25 #172)

I don't have a "distance" program running on this laptop but it's 5,264 miles from the WV QTH.

My longest distance yet for my QRP station.

I'm overjoyed with this contact but (I'm sure you've noticed) this frequency is in the SSB portion of the 20 meter band....

I was using the max 10 watts and it doesn't qualify for the 1,000 mile a watt award. It's still considered QRP, but technically, not the right distance and power.

It's a great start tho...and I wonder if I'll be lucky enough to snag more contacts like this one before heading back home.


Unknown said...

Nice going. SSB contacts using low power are always a struggle. BTW it's actually Ukraine (only one R). I should know, that's where my XYL comes from...

Jspiker said...

Tks Julian....and the "spell check" didn't even catch it!