My Most Recent QSO's

Monday, January 2, 2012

Some Great Contacts for the New Year

The first contact this morning on 15 meters was this beauty from Croatia, and an interesting call sign. This is a special event station (9A203BIM). This was my only SSB station this morning.

I wanted to do some "real radio" today and tuned into the CW portion of the band. I heard I3CTX calling from Italy (Padova). Didn't get him at first but a few minutes later, I decided to call CQ a few times, to see if anyone could hear me, and he returned my call sign.

Soon afterwards, I heard a VERY strong Scotland station (GM0UDL). We've worked before on 20 meters and Andrew immediately asked "QRP this AM John?". I excitedly responded with QSL Andrew, it's snowing here this morning in West Virginia (WV).

Andrew was operating from home today but I especially like this picture of him operating portable from the mountains in Scotland. I remember this part of Scotland from a trip there a few years ago.

My last contact this morning was DL4NBE from Germany. Leo was "county" hunting and asked for mine. I sent "Kanawha" for him. This contact was on the QRP frequency of 21.040.

I'm sure I could have worked a few more DX stations, but the "Rose Bowl" parade is on the television this morning. I turned it off watch it with the wife.

This morning was a great way to start the new year!


VE9KK said...

Good evening John, great contacts and I too have been to Scotland just this past summer. It was great there and very rugged.I did the opposite of you and your wife. I sat down and watched the Rose Bowl with Julie and then it was radio time.

Dick said...

John, you are really "golden". Ten-watts-or-less with indoor wires and you rack up the DX contacts. There are guys with acres for antennas who don't do as well. 73 Dick

Jspiker said...

Hello Mike...I absolutely loved Edinburgh. The castle and tattoo were fabulous. I could live there!

Dick....I'm just persistent and fortunate to work stations with VERY good ears. But I've yet to work someone with 2 watts in your part of the world.

When I've worked France with a couple of watts, I'll feel like I've done something. hihi