My Most Recent QSO's

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

NAQCC April Sprint

I enjoyed the NAQCC Sprint last night and will be looking forward to seeing the results posted on the web site. As I've mentioned before, I'll never be "top gun" in any of these contests, but I think the important thing, is to actually participate, when possible. I'm also sure the club will enjoy see another WV station in the log book.

To my knowledge, there's only three of us (WV stations) that are active in QRP contesting.

The really fun thing about this event is EVERYONE is using 5 watts or less. Every contact is QRP x QRP and, for me, that's where all the joy comes together in these two hours.

All my contacts were on 40 meters last night, and one of them was over 700 miles into Oklahoma. (W5TM). For me (using an indoor mounted antenna) it's a feather in my hat and being in the very top of the list, isn't going to be that important to me.

Hey...I loved making this contact in a "swarm of bees".

That's what's SO gratifying about it.....the challenge!

I used my "straight key" again last night which will give me the advantage of a "doubling my score". I worked 6 stations last night. Two were in New Hampshire, one in Massachusetts, one in Wisconsin, one in Minnesota, (duh....entered as NM in my log) and of course the one in Oklahoma.

Can't wait till the results are displayed on the web!

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