My NAQCC "1000 Miles per Watt Award Certificate" arrived yesterday.
I really don't have a "shack" for my simple station. I keep the radio, my key, and a small GMT clock on a table underneath my Isotron 80-40-20 combo that I use for my "antenna farm".
I keep it this way because (if I choose to do so) I can pack it up in a matter of minutes and be on the road where I can use a 4,000 ft radio tower. (That translates into one of the nearly 'one hundred' mountain tops in West Virginia above 4,000 ft.)
I will hang it in my "computer" room.
Today will be the last day of the "5 year celebration" of the NAQCC club and I will be on the air tonight for the last time with the N8A call. It was a "profitable day" yesterday since there were MANY QRP operators on the air with the ARCI club...... and it was a "gold mine" for me. I worked seven different QRP stations. Two of which I worked with both my N8A and my N8ZYA call signs.
I realise my "simple station" is at a great disadvantage because of my location and the fact that the antenna is mounted "indoors" on a painters pole, bungee corded to the bedpost, in a spare room. But I have FUN with it...and to me....that's ALL that matters.
This morning I heard (I worked this station earlier this year on 40 meters) W6DDB in California but the static between him and I prevented me from working him again. He is over 2,000 miles from me.
My 5,219 mile contact is a "highlight" for me. I keep adding new QRP operators to the log book every day but regardless of the distance....., I have a good feelings when I meet another nice person on the air. Many of the people I've worked on the air have become "good friends" and I feel especially close to those that drop by and comment on the blog. It lets us all learn about our hobby and our native countries.
For those 10,000..... that have dropped by to read and say "hello" since I began blogging about QRP radio, I say Thank You.
Your comments and suggestions have been appreciated very much. I hope you continue reading and hope (if you're not into this hobby) it's sparked an interest for you to join in the fun.
Hello John, well done and a great achievement. Something to be proud of. Keep up that old CW. 73 Paul
Hallo John,
Beautiful certificate. It is indeed a great achievement. As you say it is all about having fun, and if that is what we have, it doesn't matter how many watts we have: 1kW or 500mW. It is a great hobby isn't it. I have only been licensed for just over 6 months after years as a SWLer and the two-way aspect of the contact rather than just the listening simply can't be beaten.
Bye for now, Adam
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