I'm not hearing a lot of stations the 7058 frequency in the mornings?? (at least at a short distance).
But this week, I've been a little lax because of some important, upcoming travel plans. I'll be leaving soon, and will be gone for about a month, before returning home.
However....the stations I've worked this week have been interesting. I chased WB2MIC (in Vermont) for a couple of days because I knew he was collecting "area code numbers". (I could hear his QSO's with other stations)
But 40 meters been like a tree full of squirrels.....
I'd hear him perfectly 5 minutes and then he would totally disappear into the noise. And then the other day, while he was working another station, I regrouped and gave him another call. This time....someone tuned up "right on frequency". . Fortunately, for me, he moved up 15 kc to avoid the QRM and I caught him on the end of another QSO.
We exchanged "area codes" and I was a happy camper.
Then there was WD1W (Chris in Manchester Vermont) . I haven't worked a lot of Vermont stations and now there are TWO contacts, fairly close together.
And another QRM problem....
I've QSY'd several times over the years but I thought it unique he sent "PSE I will find a good freq...b bk AS ? ". A few moments later we connected again, and he sent "PSE QSY up Sixty" QSL ? (it's unusual to spell out a frequency). I don't remember the original frequency (maybe 7053) but we had a nice conversation afterwards on 7060 which I enjoyed very much.
This morning I really strained my ears...... but couldn't copy everything (no matter how hard I tried) from another station. Ed in Golden Valley Arizona (W7GVE) was barely above the noise and was VERY difficult to hear. I tried everything.....My most desperate move (when everything else fails) is the use the "reverse mode" on the receiver....... I've been able to work some "really, really, weak signals like this...but NOT today.
I've said before: "Ham Radio is a lot like fishing...you never know what you're gonna catch when you throw the line in the water". This big fish was 1800 miles from me.
Unfortunately.... he got away. (fishing is like that)
I sent Ed a "card" (not a confirmation QSL) this morning, with an explanation about him getting off the hook. I could tell he sent his "FISTS" number but I couldn't copy his Name, QTH, or our RST's. (just the call sign for the most part) NO e-mail address on QRZ so can't confirm.
I DID send my info but wasn't able to tell if he copied.
Ed's seems to be "quite the contester". I suspect he had a "beam" pointed at me but my signal just wasn't strong enough to make it 1800 miles today.
Today is probably the last entry I'll make this month. I'll be in "parts unknown" during the entire month of Febuary. I'll miss writing (and especially my QRP CW contacts).
It will be nice to "return" and get the "key" back in my hands.
I'll start making entries again in March.
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