My Most Recent QSO's

Friday, January 18, 2013

My Morning DX Contact

This morning marks my 20 th daily consecutive DX contact. I had very little time this morning but heard OE2013U in Austria calling on the 17 meter band. I worked him quickly and shut down the rig.

Today will be spent with my father, driving to the VA hospital for a check-up, and possibly a new hearing aid. Breakfast with some friends at 8:30 am and not much time to scan the bands.

Had a great QSO with WB9VRP last night on 40 meters. Jim lives in South Bend Indiana and had a good copy on my QRP signal. It was especially nice to have a long QSO.


Paul Stam PAØK said...

Hi John, good work, I was very busy this, almost no time to listen or work on 17m. Maybe next week. 73 Paul

Jspiker said...

Hello Paul,

I'm always listening for the PC4T call on 17 meters. Today is going to be a beautiful day here with temps near 60 (f). I'll be out on the bicycle for most of it.